Thursday, November 17, 2016

Nov 17, 2016 - 20 days in - First fill up

20 days in and got my first fill up today.  We put 20cc in each expander.  One side is visibly much bigger because when inserted they were able in put in about 10cc of fluid to start.  The process of filling was not really painful, but it certainly felt wild.  There is a lot of pressure that made it difficult for me to concentrate and really wore me down.  We are on the way now...

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Nov 9, 2016 - 2 weeks into expansion

Two weeks in and I am getting used to having the expanders up in my head.  No longer taking much pain meds other than some ibuprofen during the day and maybe a percocet at night, sleeping is still a PIA. One of the expanders did migrate, but we were able to coax it back in place and get the port to an accessible location. Swelling has finally subsided and tissue is starting to reattach to the bone allowing us to start filling the expanders.  Next week we will slowly start injecting fluid to get the party started up there.

5 days in

10 Days in 
10 Days
Note the bruising on my chest from all the fluid running out of my face