Thursday, June 20, 2013


Photo taken last weekend as a base line for what comes next.

I had a visit to a neurosurgeon today to discuss the removal of a portion of my cranium. They make busting into your head sound uneventful. My MRI was up on the screen in his office, the first good look at the bastard inside. More than I expected - Wild to see.

Next up a weekend of good times!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Back Story

The following will be an account of my encounter with an unusual cancer on my melon-- DFSP
Back story;
- First noticed a lump on the top of my head many years ago
- Another painless lump appeared approx. 6 years ago that I had checked out and was told not to worry; only a cyst.
- Gradual growth of existing lumps and more appear in the following years leading to a discussion with my primary care physician 3 weeks ago.
- 2 weeks ago lumps removed and sent to lab for analysis
-1 week ago diagnosed and quickly met with an Oncology Mohs Surgeon and a Reconstructive surgeon. Set a surgery date for yesterday.
- 4 days ago had an MRI.
-2 days ago surgery called off due to MRI results showing deeper than expected results.
- Yesterday CT scan
- Currently a team of incredibly smart people are working on a consensus of what to do next. This has become further complicated by the involvement of bone, taking it from medium rare to rare.