Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Back Story

The following will be an account of my encounter with an unusual cancer on my melon-- DFSP
Back story;
- First noticed a lump on the top of my head many years ago
- Another painless lump appeared approx. 6 years ago that I had checked out and was told not to worry; only a cyst.
- Gradual growth of existing lumps and more appear in the following years leading to a discussion with my primary care physician 3 weeks ago.
- 2 weeks ago lumps removed and sent to lab for analysis
-1 week ago diagnosed and quickly met with an Oncology Mohs Surgeon and a Reconstructive surgeon. Set a surgery date for yesterday.
- 4 days ago had an MRI.
-2 days ago surgery called off due to MRI results showing deeper than expected results.
- Yesterday CT scan
- Currently a team of incredibly smart people are working on a consensus of what to do next. This has become further complicated by the involvement of bone, taking it from medium rare to rare.

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