Sunday, May 1, 2016

April 27, 2016- Pump off

Yesterday I was taken off the pump and staples holding the Integra in place were removed.  It's nice not being tied to the VAC. In the photo below we have a nice even pink layer of tissue growing. The Integra has taken hold and now it just needs a couple weeks to grow We will then have the graft taken from my thigh to put a nice top layer on.

I was cleared by the docs to return to work, something I am looking forward to getting back to.  However, there is some administrative confusion that I have to clear up before my employer will allow me back.  I strongly recommend keeping  detailed records of all your transactions and conversations that take place throughout your care including all interactions with insurance companies, employer and physicians. I have found folders and a notebook along with this blog have been helpful. Don't forget to save dated photos along the way. The photos serve several purposes including a way to look back if you have any questions about the progress (or set backs) of your wounds.

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