Friday, May 20, 2016

May 20, 2016 - Skin Graft

After 6 weeks of healing since debridement to remove the tissue that died on my flap the wound was finally strong enough to accept a graft. The procedure went very well and tonight I am back at home.  With the Percocet pain is manageable but be prepared to spend some time planted on the couch.  Pain is primaraly in the donor site (the thigh in my case).  I have also been placed back on the wound VAC for the next 4 or 5 days.

Donor site

Wound ready for graft, all pink and healthy.

For the last several weeks I have been using wet to dry dressing to promote growth and it has also had to be cleaned up a few times by my surgeon.  In the photo below you can see bacteria that had started to collect around the edges of the Integra that had to be cut away.  

Approx. 2 weeks after Integra was put in place

Looks like the next step will have to be tissue expansion on my scalp. That is something I really was hoping to avoid  that but it appears there will not be enough skin to cover the new implant.  More on that to follow...

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