Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 20

The progress is slow and at times can be very frustrating, physically and mentally.  You will go from times of feeling like you are almost over it to feeling like you were hit by a train. I have been trying to pull myself off of the pain meds (Norco) with mixed results. Once off the drugs for a short time I crashed into some 16 hours of deep sleep and the guts began working again. However, make sure you have extra pills on hand because when you need it, you will definitely need it.

Perhaps the best thing I did to prepare for this event is to get myself in the best place possible mentally beforehand.  Enjoy your time to the fullest and accept what is about to happen- take trips, climb mountains, have pints of heady beers with cool as people, whatever is good for your soul.  It is important to have a team of great people on your side. So if you are currently an asshole I suggest you change your ways, never know when you are going to need help.

Last known photo of the DFSP infected scalp- Red Rocks Amphitheater 
41 hours before surgery on the Summit of Arapaho Peak CO (13,400).

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