Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First check up- Clear Margins!

I went to my first follow visit with the surgeon since being released from the hospital. Awesome news, the infected bone and tissue have been analyzed and all margins are clear! With some luck this bastard will not reappear. Still unsure if any follow up treatments will be needed.

Today I also had the sutures removed from my neck and these buried staples pulled from my thigh. Not as bad as I had imagined, but my advice is to take a full dose of whatever narcotics they have you on in anticipation of something unpleasant going down any time you go in.

The graft is really taking well.  You can see the criss-cross pattern of moved skin starting to fill in covering the muscle. Dressings will continue to be changed daily for at least the next few weeks.  I am getting around better everyday. No crutches needed around the house, but still take them when I go out.

You should also be prepared for the stomach issues that come with the prolonged use of pain meds.  Have your favorite 'movement' remedy at the ready.

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