Sunday, August 11, 2013


I knew it would be a long day in surgery, but was not prepared for the 11 hours I was under. I guess for me there isn’t much difference between 1 and 11, still something that I had not anticipated. If you find yourself in my situation it will be good to have you and your support team armed with as much information as possible. That is the main reason I am keeping a log of this account, just not much info out there on this particular cancer with bone involvement. 

Also on the day of surgery I was informed we were going to use a titanium mesh on the cranium instead of the PEEK implant. 
There were reasons for this including the ability to deal with recurrence, which unfortunately is a possibility. At the end of the day a piece of my skull about the diameter of a softball was removed along with a large section of the scalp, you can see scalp section in photos.

The Flap went very well, as did all of the procedure.  All of the lighter colored tissues in the photos were taken from my thigh to replace the affected area on my scalp.

I am currently on a cocktail of morphine and other helpful medications to dull the pain, not sure it is helping the writing. 

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